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Perhaps the most interesting unit in the Nubian arsenal is the Nuba Clubmen. While these units are fairly weak, their cheap cost and their early-on availability provide the Nubians with the means to launch early raids on nearby opponents. Equally, they can be upgraded into Egyptian-style Khopesh Warriors, thus increasing their lethality and converting them from a light assault unit into a decent assault unit that can be used for fending off light infantry attacks and suppressing buildings.


While they are certainly capable of trade, the main power of the Nubians lies not in their merchants; rather, it lies in the strength of their armies. Nuba units often have superior stats, compared to those of other factions. The only weakness that the Nuba have is that they do not have advanced units; similarly, their navy like most nations of Hammurabi is highly restricted, so it is nearly impossible for them to proffer resistance at sea against someone like the Achaeans or the Egyptians in naval combat.



National Bonuses


The Nubians have the Power of Trade

  • Trade Routes: Merchants collect 50% bonuses from rare resources.

  • Eastern Connections: See all rare resource in your territory.

  • Commercial Aspirations: Starts game with Market, and can trade resources from the start.

  • Master Financiers: Always trade resources with +20/-20 price bonus.

  • Walkers of the Dunes: Merchants, Caravan and Markets 50% cheaper and 50% more hitpoints.

  • Men In the Middle: +1 limit to number of caravans.

Unique Units


  • Corral: Horsemen, Horse Raider

  • Dock: War Canoes, War Barge

  • Temple: Shaman

(Note: Nubians can't build Warrior Halls)




  • Africans: Kushite Archers, Kushite Spearmen, Kushite Skirmishers


Necropolis Complex
Megalith Complex
Grand Citadel
Great Temple


Nuba Clubmen, Nuba Spearmen are imports from Age of Empires

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