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A mysterious people living in vast wooden cities throughout the haunted lands between the Urals to the west and the Altai mountains to the south, the Siberians are however clearly masters of both horses and metals, being not just delvers of ore, which can be found in great quantities in the mountains and rivers of their native homeland, but they too are drivers of horses, thus making them the ultimate chariot civ. They do not just have access to early-game Onagers, but can also upgrade them to Light Chariots, and later on summon the medium-strength Cimmerian Warlord.


As with their sister-tribes, the Indians and the Iranians, and their distant cousins the Xirong, cavalry predominates in the armies of the Siberians. They are capable of raising Onagers, as well as upgrading them later on to Light Chariots and Cimmerian Noble mercenaries, thus making them a highly dangerous foe to tangle with: this is especially so since Proving Grounds aren't available for construction in Hammurabi.


Only the Naharin, who are themselves distant relatives, can raid a Siberian player's cities with impunity. But while they have a fairly vast number of units to pick and choose from, there are two glaring problems with the Siberians. The first is that they don't have any genuine unique units beyond their mercenary roster. Chariots and onagers they do have, but they do not have the time cost-savings that Naharin maryannu can confer, nor can the Siberians be said to have an infantry advantage unlike the Thracians, the Achaeans or the Shang. The second and possibly larger problem is that among all factions, the Siberians can build only Megalithic Complexes as Wonders, thus leaving them at the mercies of more culturally developed nations such as Elam or Egypt.



National Bonuses


The Siberians have the Power of Resistance.

  • Hyperborean Homeworld: Attrition damage to enemy units in your territory increased by 100%. Attrition upgrades are free.

  • Strategic Expansion: Start with 1 free level of Administration Administration research. National Borders +1 extra per level in Administration.

  • Masters of Conspiracy: Spies are half price. Cavalry units do +25% more damage to enemy Supply and Artillery units.

  • Tribal Spirit: Plunder from your buildings go back to you, not the enemy who plundered them.

Unique Units


  • Hovels: Bowmen, Slingers, Skirmisher Levy, Axemen

  • Barracks: Warriors, Archers

  • Corral: Horse Raider, Medium Chariot [3], Horsemen [1] => Steppe Nomad [2]

  • Fort: Warlord
    Warrior Hall: Greataxe Infantry,
    Onager (consumed by Medium Chariot)

  • Dock: War Canoes, Roundship (available only in CtWs)

  • Temple: Shaman



  • Cimmerians: Cimmerian Axemen, Cimmerian Cavalry, Cimmerian Noble

  • Rong: Rong Archers, Rong Horse Raiders


Megalith Complex
Grand Citadel
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