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Unlike other mods, in Hammurabi it is not the Hatti, the Babylonians, the Assyrians of Subartu nor the Hurrian Naharin who are the Middle East's dominant power. Rather, it is the neo-Sumerian Elamite confederacy, consisting of a vast number of cities affiliated to one another in a loose federation across the flatlands due east of the Zagros.

Elam is considered the most powerful faction for two reasons - or rather, three. Firstly, it has some economic and cultural bonuses that make it rather powerful - not only can it enjoy higher Food and Wealth outputs, it too is capable of resisting conquest by having two capitals instead of one -this allows Elam some interesting choices, especially with regards to Meeting House placement to capitalise on its boosted LOS.

The second is Elam's cultural and diplomatic prowess. Being heirs to the Sumerian and Akkadian civilizations (or rather, survivors) the Elamite principalities are also host to their culture and technologies, and so Elam can build a vast assortment of Wonders to expand its empire, and secure either a diplomatic or Wonder victory.

Elamite armies are known for two things - the quality of their missile troops, and the use of clubs and maces. This may well be a holdover from their more primitive Gutian allies who live in the mountains to the West, but what cannot be denied is just how proficient the Elamite armies are in light infantry tactics. Whereas the Harappans farther west rely heavily on long-range fire, the Elamites however instead to rely on speed and valour to carry the day. Native Elamite UUs often have good morale - translating into superior speed and mobility, thus making their infantry into some of the most feared chariot-killing monsters in all of Hammurabi. Macemen have a strong armour-piercing attack, while Elamite Archers run faster and are also more easily created, resources willing, so the Elamites tend to have counters for many of the super-units of the day, mainly being Guardsmen and Light Chariots. Only the Harappans, with their access to Longbowmen, seem capable of being able to truly counter the Elamites and even then their forces can be easily countered by other factions' units.



National Bonuses


The Elamites have the Power of Liberty.

  • New Lands: Start with 50% Bonus      .

  • Ancient Ties: Second Settlement built acts as a second Capital. Both receive Capital border bonus, and both must be captured to eliminate you.

  • Indian Trade Routes: Receive Taxation upgrades and Caravans for free. 

  • Sargon's Heirs: Administration research 30% Cheaper.


Unique Units


  • Hovels: Bowmen, Raiders, Slingers

  • Barracks: Regular Spearmen, Elamite Archers, Macemen

  • Corral: Horsemen, Horse Raider => Light Chariot

  • Warrior Hall: Greataxe Infantry, Onager (consumed by Light Chariot), Heavy Axemen

  • Dock: War Boats, Roundship (available only in CtWs)

  • Temple: Priest





Grand Citadel
Great Temple
Royal Palace
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