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Another one of the several Semitic factions (the others being the Canaanites, Babylonians, Maganites, Subartu and possibly the great Elamite kingdoms), Yamhad like the Naharin to the distant northeast is a multicultural nation which has access to the neo-Akkadian War Cart, but then it also has access to Slingers - the usual weapon of choice for Semitic factions. Yamhad itself like the Naharin also trains not just Semitic levies, but can also raise Anatolian units as well too. 


While Yamhad has a fairly decent land army (because of its access to Guardsmen, Light Chariots and mercenaries) it too has one economic advantage - and that is its enhanced ability to trade. Not only does it receive Armed Merchants and Caravans (which are tougher and faster and can shoot back) it too gets an additional +15% of trade income. This means that Yamhadian cities can be built a little closer to home, thus making them easier to defend, and alliances with farflung places can be very profitable since greater distance means greater profits from trade.

As such, Yamhad can be a very powerful military power in its own right, limited only by the stronger forces of factions like Egypt, the Shang or the Elamites who have comparative tactical advantages of their own in their own unit rosters. Like its historical counterpart, Yamhad probably works best if it is allied to other powers and functions best on maps with as little water as possible.



National Bonuses


Yamhad have the Power of Feudalism.

  • Ancestral Tradition: City Economic Radius is increased by +4.

  • Best of Both Worlds: Caravan income is increased by +15%.

  • Master Architects: Buildings do not rise in cost except for Wonders, Towers, Lookouts, and Forts, which rise at half the normal rate, and Cities, which rise normally.

Unique Units


  • Hovels: Bowmen, Spear Levy, Slingers, Skirmisher Levy

  • Barracks: Regular Spearmen, Archers, Swordsmen

  • Corral: Horsemen, Horse Raider => Light Chariot

  • Warrior Hall: Heavy Axemen

  • Dock: War Boats, Roundship

  • Market: Armed Caravan (req. Defensive Doctrine) Armed Merchant (req. Offensive Strategy)

  • Temple: Priest



  • Anatolians: Anatolian Shepherds

  • Hurrians: Hurrian Spearmen, Hurrian Scout

  • Semites: Semitic Axe Levies, Semitic Battle-Chief


Necropolis Complex
Grand Citadel
Megalithic Complex
Royal Palace
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